

The perfect way to get through #BlueMonday? Immerse yourself in everything that has to do with living, interior design and furnishing! Think about it:
๐Ÿ›‹ creating an interior moodboard
๐Ÿก visualizing your dream home
โœ๏ธ drawing the furniture on the floor plan

Need a little help first with finding the prefect home that suits you? The home chooser on www.plesmanduin.nl offers a solution.

Frisia Brokers | 070 – 342 01 01 | nieuwbouw@frisiamakelaars.nl
Estata Makelaars O.G. | 070 – 350 70 50 | info@estata.nl


On this website, you will find a number of impressions and detailed layout suggestions to give an idea of the architecture of the apartments. No rights can be derived from these impressions nor the layout suggestions. The kitchen, materials and equipment shown are not part of the standard equipment and no rights can be derived from them.